Saturday, 23 September 2017

Mobility, Our Lifestyle

Mobility, Our Lifestyle

Mobility is one of the activities that characterize human existence. We all move about as we do our daily domestic chores, as we go to our various schools, work places, worship centers, as we visit our family and friends, etc. Some people trek, some ride on bicycles, some on horses and donkeys, and some on motor cars, ship or airplane. It all depends on ones social status, financial status and level of exposure. It is everyone’s desire to retire to bed each day after the movement and hustling that characterize each day without experiencing any form of accident.

My major concern here is mobility by road whereby we have private vehicles, commercial vehicles, motor bikes, tricycle, bicycle, trailers; all horning for a space to advance. The road, like every other means of mobility has its hazard which is accident. Accident is not meant for a set of people. Everyone out on the road each day is prone to accident. However, it is everyone’s desire not to experience any form of accident, hence, we have a great task not to give it a chance.

It is normal for us to cry out against motorists or transporters whenever accident occurs, especially if our loved one is involved. If we don’t cry and criticize, transporters or motorists will not sit up, so, there is need for us to shout out and express our anger. So much has been said against Peace Mass Transit to the extent that even when other transport companies have an accident it will be reported on social media against Peace Mass Transit. For this reason, I have re-examined the activities of Peace Mass Transit to find out if there is something one needs to know. But from my re-examination, I have continued to see things that amaze me. This company has its own technicians specially trained to service its vehicles, A retired road safety official and a customer service personnel conducts training on road worthiness and personal attitude respectively for its drivers on  daily basis; while it engages the services of Nigerian Road Safety for its drivers training on quarterly basis, modern transport technologies like speed limiting devices and tracking devices are in place and active, above all, prayers go on every 12.00 noon at the company’s headquarters at Emene, Enugu, and before the start of work in all its park nationwide. Then I had no choice but to conclude that this transport company is founded to contribute to nation building which is to ease the mobility needs of people and create job opportunities; but like every other transport company and other lines of businesses, has its hazards of which one of them is accident.

While thinking of a solution to curtail this menace, which is not only a Peace Mass transit concern, but the concern of all transporters, I have come to a reasonable fact that it is a collective responsibility. While I enjoin the commercial transporters to do all they can for the safety of their passengers, I plead with the government to come to the aid of road users by constructing new roads, expanding and mending the old ones. On the other hand, commercial drivers should put into practice their daily lessons and obey the traffic rules while passengers should learn to accord the drivers some respect as human beings they are. While on steering, drivers should not be provoked no matter how rough they drive. This is not to justify rough driving but an advice for safety. Instead of cautioning or correcting them in a provocative manner, it is better to talk to them gently to enable them concentrate for the safety of everyone in the vehicle. Soft words are powerful weapons. No one knows what they are passing through personally and any provocative statement can produce bitter reactions and make things worse, and if peradventure, they lose concentration, everyone in that vehicle is at risk. It is better to help them concentrate so they can take everyone to where they have paid to be taken to.  

A friend of mine once shared one of her experiences during her journey with Peace Mass Transit vehicle. According to her, the vehicle galloped on the highway where there is a pothole and a passenger shouted at the driver to take it easy and the driver flared angrily and started talking back at him. Since she was seated in front, close to the driver, she apologized to the driver, pleading with him to calm down and concentrate to avoid the unexpected and the unwanted. When they got to their destination, she approached the young man that was shouting at the driver and told him to always be calm and careful whenever he is talking to a driver on steering because if a driver who cannot control his temper loses concentration both the passengers in that bus and people passing around that area are at risk of losing their lives. Rare wisdom!

I entered a town service bus one day while going to work and the moment I entered, I was enchanted by the laughter from everyone in that bus. I started wondering why they were laughing when I noticed I wasn’t the reason. I was happy when I noticed that it was the driver that is making them to laugh. It happened that when someone complained to the driver about not having a conductor or any fault in his vehicle, he will respond in such a joking manner that will thrill his passengers. Rare attitude!

We need to be conscious of our actions because whether we like it or not, our lives are positively or negatively affected by it. We cannot do without moving about, and this has much more to do with roads; therefore, let us develop a positive attitude that will help us live as long as our Maker wants us to live and serve Him. If every transport company and motorists stops their operations because of accident, how far can we trek? Let us always enter any public vehicle of our choice with a good heart and positive mindset and trust God to answer all our prayers. As humans, ours is to do our very best and leave the rest to God. Over annoying a driver, can cause fatal accident, on the other hand, overexciting a driver can cause accident too. Drivers and passengers should therefore apply wisdom and behave accordingly while on the road because life has no duplicate.

Written by Olive Chinyere Amajuoyi


  1. Railway is need to reduce congestion our roads notably from heavy trucks.
    Mean while roads are just to unsafe and the government seems unconcerned since of course they use flight for their journey. For the meantime, just say your prayers when using Nigerian roads.


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